The Palace Spends €500,000 on Macron’s Opulent State Dinner for King Charles: The Staggering Price of Excess Revealed!

President Emmanuel Macron blew a hole in his palace’s budget when he held a lavish state dinner of lobster and crab for King Charles last year, an annual audit has found.

The Elysee Palace spent close to €500,000 on the September visit by King Charles and Queen Camilla, which included about €40,000 on wine.

It was one of several gestures of Gallic opulence that tipped the palace into the red by €8.3 million.

In all, the Elysée Palace spent €125 million last year, the Cour des Comptes, France’s state auditor, recorded.

While that includes spending on Mr Macron’s diplomatic and presidential duties as well as administration, personnel, security and estate management.

Among the most expensive engagements were the events for the King and Narendra Modi, India’s president.

Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger and actor Hugh Grant were among the 170-odd guests invited to Versailles Palace to mark the King’s visit, seen as a move by Mr Macron to smooth over France-British relations since Brexit.

The luxurious banquet was held on the first night of King Charles’ three-day state visit to France and was hosted by Mr Macron and his wife, Brigitte.

At a cost of close over €475,000 — which included a catering bill of €165,000 – the feast was executed by a team of 45 chefs led by Yannick Alléno, Anne-Sophie Pic and French pastry chef Pierre Hermé, who all have Michelin stars.

The menu took three months of planning, with the French classic foie gras ditched upon royal request.

After a starter of blue lobster and crab, inspired by Louis XIV’s tastes, the guests tucked into Mr Alléno’s poulet de Bresse with a cep gratin. For drinks, there were double magnums of chateau Mouton-Rothschild 2004 grand cru classé Pauillac, whose label was designed by Charles himself, and Pol Roger champagne.

Guests were seated around a 60m long table decorated with locally sourced roses and hydrangeas in shades of pink, purple and white, and served on plates made by the famous Porcelaine de Sevres.

A royal source said afterwards that the King and Queen were “really delighted by the whole thing”.

When Mr Modi visited in July, he was treated to a curation of the Louvre’s masterpieces by Mr Macron himself and an equally sumptuous dinner, which all came to €400,000.

While France’s audit court conceded that the Palace was more parsimonious on events like “cocktails for less than 100 people”, it was mostly critical of the Palace’s extravagance.

It was critical of the huge waste of money caused by poor planning, listing €830,000 lost in cancelling 12 apparently non-refundable trips.

Mr Macron’s critics often blast him as “the president of the rich”, but the reaction to the palace’s finances has so far been muted.

“Honestly, I had doubts until the last moment but it was the right choice. It was magnificent. All of France’s history has been written inside these walls. It was fairytale-like,” said one diplomatic source afterwards.

President Emmanuel Macron faced further scrutiny over his handling of the palace budget when it was revealed that the Elysee Palace spent over €1 million on renovations to the presidential residence last year. The renovations included upgrades to the presidential living quarters, as well as improvements to the security systems and infrastructure of the palace. The costly renovations, which were approved by President Macron himself, were seen as excessive by some critics, who questioned the need for such lavish spending in a time of economic uncertainty.In addition to the renovations, the Elysee Palace also spent a significant amount on travel expenses for President Macron and his entourage. According to the annual audit, over €600,000 was spent on international travel for the president, including trips to various diplomatic events and summits. While some defended the president’s travel expenses as necessary for France’s diplomatic relations, others saw it as extravagant and wasteful.Despite the criticism over the palace’s spending, President Macron remained defiant, insisting that the investments were essential for maintaining the prestige and functionality of the presidential residence. He defended the renovations as necessary for ensuring the safety and comfort of the presidential family, as well as for hosting foreign dignitaries and heads of state in a manner befitting the leader of France.The controversy over the Elysee Palace’s budget highlights the ongoing debate over government spending and transparency in France. Critics argue that the president should be more mindful of the public perception of his expenses, especially in a time of economic uncertainty and social unrest. However, supporters of President Macron believe that the investments in the palace are necessary for upholding the dignity and tradition of the French presidency.As the debate rages on, one thing is clear – the Elysee Palace will continue to be a symbol of power, luxury, and controversy for years to come. Stay tuned for more updates on the latest developments in French politics and government spending.

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Source: CNN

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